Association Officers

The following Association Officers shall make up the NSTA Association Executive Board with the rolls and responsibilities listed.

Membership Officer(s)

  • Serve as a member of the Executive Board as an NSTA Officer.
  • Focus on recruitment of other (AS) Associations for the NSTA.
  • Receive event information from the Association Committees Officer to review and approve plans for an NSTA Joint Reunion.
  • This position shall consist of one representative from each NSTA member association.

George Planic, President, USS Sperry AS-12
Carl Rennerfeldt, Chairman, USS Canopus AS-34
Danny Penhall, President, USS Fulton AS-11

Communications Officer

  • Maintain a list of Association Officers (Executive Board) with email addresses and/or phone numbers
  • Maintain a membership list of the Associations that make up the NSTA with their Main contact(s) information
  • Receive event information from the Association Committees and inform the Association Member Contact (normally the President of the Associations) 
  • Serve as a Facebook Group Moderator as needed.
  • Once approved by the Executive Board, Post news and planned events to the NSTA Facebook Group and have the NSTA website updated by the Media Officer.
  • Serve as a member of the Executive Board as an NSTA Officer.

Bill Murdock, USS Canopus AS-34

Committees Officer

  • Act as a liaison to the association committees to coordinate the needs for a NSTA Joint Reunion.
  • Provide feedback to the committees so all information overlaps between committees.
  • Approve committees proposals then submit to the finding to the Executive Board for approval.
  • Serve as a member of the Executive Board as an NSTA Officer.

Position is currently open

Media Officer

  • Maintain the NSTA website and Facebook Group as needed.
  • Make changes or additions to the website as directed by the Association Executive Board.

George Planic, USS Sperry AS-12


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