Committee Guidelines

These are the tasks and guidelines that the NSTA would like the committees to use when performing the committee’s tasks. Please keep in mind that you will be collaborating with the members of the other associations, but acting as a representative of your association or group, not the NSTA. Remember, the NSTA is currently acting only as a clearing house for reunion information for the member associations to get the best deals using the combined attendance numbers of the attending groups.

Reunion Site Location Committee
Locate a city that has easy access from an airport.
The city must have a tour company available to assemble a tour package (and places to our groups would want to see)
Locate 2 or 3 choices for hotels that have the capability to hold a banquet and a room(s) large enough for a hospitality room for those attending.
Turn over your list to the NSTA Officer representative for review.

Hotel Committee
Your NSTA Officer representative will give you the city that has been chosen to attend and one or two hotels names and information to contact to negotiate a contract for your group.
At this point, there should be interest of at least 2 ship’s Associations with estimates of people attending.
The members of this committee shall talk about the needs of each group interested to form a game plan to contact the hotel(s).
When you contact the hotel, mention that there is another group(s) that will be attending with estimated numbers. You will be acting on behalf of your association to negotiate the best possible contract for your group.
Remember, the power of numbers in attendance is the key to getting the good deals. This is why the formation of the NSTA was made. Working together to get the best prices.
Turn over your results to your NSTA Officer representative.

Tours Committee
Your NSTA Officer representative will give you the city that has been chosen to attend.
Work with the other committee members to decide what kind of tours you want.
Contact what ever tour company(s) are available to get quotes for the tours.
Get as many “tour sites” quoted that are possible.
Have the quote include the “site” and the “total cost” based on the minimum number of people for each tour.

Hotel Committee
Your NSTA Officer representative will give you the city that has been chosen to attend and one or two hotels names and information to contact to negotiate a contract for your group.
At this point, there should be interest of at least 2 ship’s Associations with estimates of people attending.
You will need input from your Hospitality Room Committee member in order to work with the hotel to get a room that fits your needs.
The members of this committee shall talk about the needs of each group interested to form a game plan to contact the hotel(s).
When you contact the hotel, mention that there is another group(s) that will be attending with estimated numbers. You will be acting on behalf of your association to negotiate the best possible contract for your group.
Remember, the power of numbers in attendance is the key to getting the good deals. This is why the formation of the NSTA was made. Working together to get the best prices.
Turn over your results to your NSTA Officer representative.

Hospitality Room Committee
Each member of this committee should prepare a list of what your group needs for your hospitality room set up. (Table configuration, extra tables for displays or “goodies”, Podium, audio equipment. (each group may be different)
Turn over this list to your NSTA Officer representative.
** NOTE ** In the event there is a projected low turn out from any group, it may be necessary (as required by the hotel) for groups to share a hospitality room. It will be important for the NSTA Officer(s) representatives to work this out on how the hospitality room contract will be drawn up.
Each committee member shall work with your own association to procure the “goodies” that you will need at the reunion. You’ll do this however your group has accomplished this in the past.


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